Street style photo book

Lagi lagi buku yang saya naksir dari Pinguin Books. Setelah naksir buku nya Derek Blasberg berjudul " Classy". Buku Classy ini udah lama sih, dulu sih bisa di beli dan pesen di Kinokuniya bookstore. Sayang Kinokun uda tutup. Tapi setidaknya masih ada Periplus.  Anw, buku ini isi nya semacem portofolio street photographer dari Scott Schuman. Dia berkarir di fotografi sudah 15 tahun dan akhirnya menerbitkan sebuah buku foto. Ini juga udah lama sih, kendalanya karena ini buku import pasti mihil 😆 wish me luck I can buy that book. 

Scott Schuman man behind The Sartorialist read about his work Here

Some of his snap shoot At New York Street

Selain Scott, ada Robert Spangle. The former marine returned to Afganistan to capture the street style look like. More about his photograph is Here

Berikut kutipan nya dr GQ kenapa dia memilih Afganistan sebagai objek foto nya

Why “Afghan style”?

Robert Spangle:  When I first went out there, it was an opportunity to test a theory… I’ve come to believe that style is an innate, human aspect of identity. It’s something that we do. It’s such a deep-rooted human art of expression and self-cultivation that you won’t be able to find a desperate enough situation in the world where people are not expressing themselves through style, where it doesn’t have a social and an individual power. 

Courtesy : GQ

Di sini juga ada sih street style photo book tapi saya ga interest kepengen (minimal) ngelirik aja deh 😆



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